Swords in the Mist

Fritz Leiber


In the annals of heroic fantasy one epic tale stands head and shoulders above the rest, spanning sixty years in the telling, the saga of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser has captivated fans ever since Fritz Leiber’s first tale of the duo appeared in the August, 1939 issue of Unknown. The story of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser is among the most enduring in modern fantasy, and Centipede Press is releasing the first of what will be the definitive eight-volume set comprising not only all of the stories by Fritz Leiber (and his friend Harry Fischer), but also the brilliant epilogue to the series, Swords Against the Shadowland by Robin Wayne Bailey.

The third book in the series, Swords in the Mist, includes “The Cloud of Hate,” “Lean Times in Lankhmar,” “Their Mistress, The Sea,” “When the Sea-King’s Away,” “The Wrong Branch,” and “Adept’s Gambit.”
      For bonus materials, we have a rare photograph of Fritz Leiber, plus Leiber’s introduction from Night’s Black Agents, an essay by Fritz Leiber called “H.P. Lovecraft meets Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser,” some story fragments and a “Few Fafhrd & Gray Mouser Firsts,” and H.P. Lovecraft’s letters to Fritz Leiber regarding “Adept’s Gambit.”
      This book features an introduction by Tim Powers and artwork by Grant Griffin. It is signed by both of them and also has a family-approved facsimile signature by Fritz Leiber. It features six color interior illustrations, a full-color frontispiece, full color wraparound dustjacket, and custom illustrated endpapers. The book includes all of the stories that make up Swords in the Mist along with the bonus material mentioned above.

edition information

  • Signed edition is limited to 300 copies, each signed by Tim Powers and Grant Griffin.
  • Bound in full black cloth, blind stamping on front board.
  • Illustrations hand-tipped into the book.
  • Introduction by Tim Powers.
  • Gorgeous dustjacket on Mohawk Superfine.
  • Head and tail bands, ribbon marker.
